Dog‑friendly services in the East Midlands
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Action Homeless Leicester
18 Ridgeway House
Little Hill
Newton Lane
LE18 3SE
Telephone: 0116 221 1857
Gender: Mixed and women only
Target/Group: Single Homeless people with a variety of housing support needs, Housing First services, women and children only homeless and domestic violence services, and a variety of tenancies and shared accommodation services. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Referrals via our website or through Leicester City Council Housing Options Centre please Phone our Duty Desk Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm on 0116 2211857 or outside of office hours via our website we only accep
Dawn Centre - Temporary Accommodation Project
c/o Housing Options Centre
Phoenix House
1 King Street
Telephone: 0116 221 2770
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people and childless couples. Local connection required.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Quick access
Lincolnshire Housing Related Support Partnership
Lincolnshire County Council
Telephone: 01522 873351
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Local connection required. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Referrals must come through District Councils in Lincolnshire, contact via
YMCA Lincolnshire - Nomad Centre
YMCA Linconshire
Saint Rumbold's Street
L3N2 5AR
Telephone: 01522 504589
Gender: Please Select
Target/Group: Individuals experiencing homelessness in Lincoln and Lincolnshire. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Accept self referrals and referrals from any agency. Beds cannot be pre-booked. Latest admission 8:30pm but will admit up to midnight under certain
Framework - Corner House
Dogs Trust endorsed
1-3 Friars Lane
Telephone: 0115 850 4195
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: rough sleepers/complex needs
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Referral through Local Authority must have local connection
LHRSP - Maud Street
Dogs Trust endorsed
4-14 Maud Street
PE21 6TP
Telephone: 0115 850 4171
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Homeless with local connection
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Referral via council
LHRSP - Medlock House
Dogs Trust endorsed
7 Lincoln Lane
PE21 8RU
Telephone: 0115 850 4171
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Homeless with local connection
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Referral via council
Salvation Army - Witham Lodge
Public Health Team Gateway System
15/17 The Avenue
Gender: Mixed and women only
Target/Group: Single homeless people, including ex-offenders, those with mental health, drug or alcohol problems, and women escaping domestic violence. Must have a local connection to Lincolnshire
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Quick access
Lincolnshire County Council
Framework HA - MOSS Project
Dogs Trust endorsed
St Matthews House
2b Boultham Park Road
Telephone: 0115 84401880
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: People experiencing homelessness
Referral procedure: Any agencies working with those who are currently considered homeless, or at risk of homelessness are able to refer to the service
Framework HA - The Pathways Centre
Dogs Trust endorsed
Framework Housing Association
Hostel and Dispersed - Beaumont Fee
Telephone: 01158 504138 and 01158 504165
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: All people experiencing homelessness
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Through District Councils of Lincoln, Boston and South Holland
Midland Heart - Oasis House
NBC Street Outreach Team
35 - 37 Campbell Street
Telephone: 0845 950 7111
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Homeless people including rough sleepers with complex support needs. Local connection prioritised. Can accept couples. Medium Support.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Referral agency
NAASH - Supported Services
3 St Giles Terrace
Telephone: 01604 620892
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Intensive support project is for rough sleepers referred specifically by the local authority. Those deemed as too high need for other providers. Those who are hard to house due to previous housing issues. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: West Northants Council, Assessment undertaken by Northampton Borough Council or NAASH. Risk assessment. Need at least 1 form of ID if not known by the services.
Framework HA - The Cresent Recovery Service
32 Bentinck Road
Telephone: 0115 850 4035
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Individuals with mental health difficulties possibly with additional drug and/or alcohol issues. People with dogs considered.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Health, Social Services, Prisons. Contact directly with most recent risk assessment, interview, offer.
Framework HA - Elizabeth House
Gateway Nottingham City
135 Lower Parliament Street
Telephone: 0115 915 3000
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people with a local connection to Gedling, Broxtowe or Rushcliffe only. Can accept couples.
Age range: 16+
Referral procedure: Quick access
Framework HA - London Road Service
c/o The Gateway, Housing Aid
135 Lower Parliament Street
Telephone: 0115 915 3000 switchboard
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Rough sleepers and other single homeless people, including those with mental health and substance issues. Priority to people with local connection to Nottingham City.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Agency referrals
Framework HA - New Albion
c/o The Gateway
Housing Aid
135 Lower Parliament Street
Telephone: 0115 876 3300
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people and couples assessed as being in priority need by Nottingham City Council. Priority to those with a local connection to Nottingham City. Accept 16 year olds.
Age range: 16+
Referral procedure: Agency Referrals
HOPE Community Services - Queen Street
17 Queen Street
S80 2AN
Telephone: 01909 531294 / emergency 489990
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Single homeless people. Priority given to applicants with a local connection. Accept those with substance abuse and mental health problems.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Agency referrals, direct access
New Roots Housing Project
2 Overend Road
S80 1QF
Telephone: 01909 501732
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Young single homeless or vulnerably housed people including teenage parents. Accept couples with individual support needs.
Age range: 16-25
Referral procedure: Agency referrals, direct access
South Holland District Council
LHRSP Anley House
Dogs Trust endorsed
6 St Matthews Close
PE12 7AY
Telephone: 0115 844 1813
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: All people experiencing homelessness
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: All referrals through council
LHRSP Rowan House
Dogs Trust endorsed
2 The Meadows
PE11 1XR
Telephone: 0115 844 1812
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: All people experiencing homelessness
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: All referrals through council
Framework HA - Potter Street Service
51-57 Potter Street
S80 2HQ
Telephone: 01909 475799
Gender: Mixed
Target/Group: Homeless or vulnerably housed people. Can accept couples and rough sleepers. Priority given to applicants with a local connection to Bassetlaw. Can accept people with dogs.
Age range: 18+
Referral procedure: Accept referrals from any agency (self referrals only where there are no agencies involved). Contact service any time to see whether waiting list is open.

Dogs Trust is working in partnership with Homeless UK to provide this directory of dog-friendly homelessness services. Homeless UK provides information on more than 9,000 homelessness services and is run by Homeless Link, the national charity supporting people and organisations working directly with people who become homeless in England.